Green Ramp Jam 2002, Eight Wheels    
Contests > Events > Green Ramp Jam 2002, Karlsruhe > Eight Wheels Deutsch

Green Ramp Jam 2002, Eight Wheels

Rider: Mike Hammer, Trick: Lay-Back-Air Rider: Niklas Stephan, Trick: Method Air

Report by Bernhard Scheffold, Photos by Max Henninger and Bernhard Scheffold.

The invitation to the Green Ramp Jam explicitly mentioned Rollerskates, but nevertheless there weren't many to participate. Jochen Biel had to drive Zoran (who broke his forearm) to the hospital, René Hulgreen was the only guy from Denmark (despite some rumours about more roller skaters coming from Denmark) and he didn't ride on roller skates (also despite some rumours saying he would). This would have left Daniel Knopf as the only roller skater if he hadn't persuaded me to participate for the fun of it. And I thought I could get away with the promise that I would compete if I could do at least one of my tricks! But let's tell the story from start.

Rider: Roland Göschl Rider: René Hulgreen Rider: René Hulgreen

On my way from Freiburg to Karlsruhe I was held up by the mother of all traffic jams (it even forced a motorcyclist like me to leave the highway) and arrived at Karlsruhe only at around 4 pm. This wasn't a problem, however, because nothing important had happened at this time. The Eight Wheel elimination was to begin at 6:30 pm which didn't keep Zoran from doing a 2m high Back Flip to hospital.

Daniel Knopf delighted the ears of the skateboarders by doing Grinds on his axles and thus producing the "real sound". He did Frontside and Backside Slides, Grinds, Fish Brains, Boneless Nose Grinds, Hand Plants in all variations, including Air-to-Handplant in good old Olaf Hennig tradition and Judo Airs. This way he saved the honour of those riding on four axles and obtained the fifth place.

Rider: Sascha Reichert Rider: Zoran Rider: Jochen Biel

René showed off the most powerful style. Among other tricks he did tweaked Back Flips with spin, Brainless Method Airs, 540s and Inverts and was awarded the first place.

Sascha Reichert ripped the ramp with 540s, Inverts, Back Flips, Fakie Bio 540s, Grinds and Fakie 540s.

Rider: Niklas Stephan Rider: Niklas Stephan Rider: Daniel Knopf, Trick: Hand Plant

Niklas Stephan cranked out his mega lines with Stale Grab, Cross Rocket, Liu Kang, 540 Double Grab, Flat Spin 430 Mute, McTwist 720, Fakie Bio 540 Stale, Zero Spin Backside Royale, Stale Invert, Topside Soul, Back Flip, Fakie Bio 720, McTwist 540 and Flatspin 360. This was worth a second place to the judges.

Because only eight skaters competed in the elimination it was decided on sunday that no final was needed (the real reason was that there was a soccer game in TV that some people wanted to see at any price, but I won't tell ;-)). Therefore the results from the elimination were taken to be the final results and every eight wheeler received a nice price.

Rider: René Hulgreen Rider: René Hulgreen Rider: Daniel Knopf                  
Halfpipe Eight Wheels
1René Hulgren
2Niklas Stephan
3Sascha Reichert
4Roland Göschl
5Daniel Knopf
6Dennis Dutt
7Mike Hammer
8Bernhard Scheffold


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